
Traditional walking tour along the Reka River sinkhole

11 km
3,5 hours
Fitness level required

Explore the mysteriously beautiful karst landscape. The traditional walking tour runs along the bed of the Reka River in the natural area of the Škocjan Caves Park. The walk starts in the Matavun village. This scenic trail offers hikers insights into the strange sinking of the Reka River, reveals several karst phenomena and some less well-known cultural sites.

The trail is marked and about 10 km long; suitable for all ages. The trail ends in the Škocjan village where everyone can enjoy a good meal and drink.

21th April 2024 at 8.00
Length of trail
11 km
3,5 hours
Fitness level required
Sights along the trail
  • Ruins of the castlle Školj,
  • St. Helena church,
  • riverbed Reka
4,00 EUR per adults, 2,00 EUR per children

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