Kras-Carso Cross-Border Geopark Week

Kras-Carso Cross-Border Geopark Week

  • Where
  • When

A week of boundless exploration of the Classic Karst.

Discover the secrets of the Karst underground, take a walk through the Karst gmajna, learn about the Karst man's heritage, and much more. Discover the Classic Karst cross-border geopark!

Numerous free cross-border events in Slovenian and Italian will take place between May 25 and June 9, connecting the entire area of the Classic Karst.

The geopark, which will also enrich the cross-border tourist offer, is being created and is spread over the cross-border area of the Classic Karst.


The event Karst-Carso Cross-Border Geopark Week is organised in the framework of the KRAS-CARSO II project, which is co-financed by the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia Cooperation Programme 2021–2027.



TIC Sežana
Partizanska cesta 4
6210 Sežana

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