
August, the month of the Teran and Prosciutto Festival

In the Karst, August is the month of the Teran and Prosciutto Festival. This has been the case since 1970, when the first meeting of Teran and prosciutto producers took place, and the Karst people attended their own festival for the first time.

In 2020, the Festival of Teran and Prosciutto would celebrate its 50th anniversary. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, we cannot celebrate this as solemnly as we should. So, this year, instead of inviting you to the festival, we would like you to come to our homes, in our cellars, in our homesteads. Five separate themed events will be dedicated to all those who have helped create and co-create the Teran and Prosciutto Festival for 50 years. We will reminisce the memories, remember some anecdotes from the past, and thank the participants for the long-term cooperation and dedication to the Karst and its distinctive features.

Welcome to the Karst to taste its Teran and prosciutto!


The Teran Queens

Sunday, 8 August 2021 at 18:00 in Pliskovica, location: pod Latnikom (if it rains, the event will be held in the Youth Hostel). Olga Milič, the first Teran Queen, won the contest at the 1979 Teran and Prosciutto Festival. In years that followed, there have been many more Teran Queens. In fact, over 30 of them. The contests took a different format each year: initially they were held on the main event stage, then a few times the female representative of the winning farm cart in the procession became the Queen. Later on, the contest was organised independently, and  for the last few years, the winemakers’ representatives have selected the Queen behind closed doors... The Slovenian actor Pavle Ravnohrib will host the event and converse with the Teran Queens, and a musical performance will be delivered by the duo ‘Naši fantje’. Join us and chat over a glass of local Teran and a slice or two of prosciutto.

Prosciutto makers

Friday, 13 August 2021 at 18:00 Kobjeglava, in front of the hall (if it rains, the event will be held in the hall). Prosciutto is a culinary speciality that the locals always proudly serve to their guests. And – apart from the Teran wine  – prosciutto is what every guest or visitor to the Karst asks for upon arrival. So what is Karst prosciutto all about and what does proper prosciutto look like? What has prosciutto given to the Festival and what has the Festival given to prosciutto? The host Ana Facchini will discuss this with the top local prosciutto makers, caterers and connoisseurs. Musical entertainment will be provided by the band ‘Ne joči Pevec’, and we will taste different prosciuttos while tasting wines presented by local winemakers.


Sunday, 15 August 2021 at 18:00 Vinakras Sežana

Teran is a special wine that first merited its own festival 50 years ago. The team of the then Agricultural Cooperative (the predecessor of today’s Vinakras) came up with the idea of organising an event in the Karst where local farmers, Teran producers and prosciutto makers could present themselves. Just like the Festival, the Teran wine has been developing throughout the decades. What does Teran look like today and what awaits it in the future? Žan Papič will discuss this with winemakers and wine experts and we will get to know the top ten Teran wines for 2020 and three vintage wines better, while music will be performed by ‘Prizma band’.


Wednesday, 18 August 2021 at 18:00 Botanical Garden in Sežana (if it rains, the event will be held in the Interpretation Centre)

Ever since the first Teran and Prosciutto Festival, organised by the Agricultural Cooperative in 1970, organisation of the event has passed from one party to another. From local communities, societies and institutions to private organisers. Every one of them added a thread to this fabric that is now praised as the most widely recognised event in the Karst. In the company of organisers of the Teran and Prosciutto Festival past and present, Ana Tavčar will reminisce about the challenges in the organisation of the previous events. The wine note will be added by producers of sparkling wines, while the musical notes will be provided by the musician Tomaž Nedoh.

Cart procession

Monday, 23 August 2021 at 18.00 Lipica Stud Farm, castle gardens (if it rains, the event will be held in the Maestoso Hotel)

The cart procession is the most widely recognised part of the Teran and Prosciutto Festival. Every year this ethnological event brings visitors closer to the rich Karst tradition, while also bringing together dozens of Karst locals. The latter demonstrate a custom, chore or activity that is fascinating  or original, and present old tools, accessories, furniture and clothes – all of which tell tales about the inhabitants of Karst. The permanent participants of the procession, presented by the hosts Primož Forte and Andrej Jelačin, will create the cultural programme. The following will appear: Kraška pihalna godba Sežana (brass band), Mažoretke Povir (drum majorettes), cultural societies: KD Kraški šopek, KD Borjač, KD Kraška harmonika, and Društvo kmetic sežanske regije as well as Klub Balilla (vintage cars) and others.

In order to facilitate the organization and with regard to current measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19, prior registration is required by phone at +386 5 731 01 28 or by e-mail at sezana@visitkras.info, at least a day in advance. 

Wine degustation with cultural events

KrasPass Gourmet with cultural events at karst homesteads

In August, we invite you to the cellars and to the karst courtyards. The winemakers in collaboration with cultural creators from the Karst will conjure up genuine summer evening events. As part of the KrasPass Gourmet culinary experiences, 10 cultural tasting delicacies for gourmets will take place.

Tuesday, 3.8.2021 at 18:00

Renčel Boutique wines, Dutovlje 24
Contact: Joško Renčel, +386 31 370 561, rencelwine@gmail.com

Wednesday, 4.8.2021 at 18:00

Turistična kmetija Krasberry (tourist farm)
Contact: Vanesa Jež, +386 31 309 119, pepi.jez@amis.net

Friday, 6.8.2021 at 18:00

Petelin-Rogelja farm, Tomaj 18
Contact: Matej Rogelja, +386 40 425 573, petelin.rogelja@siol.net

Saturday, 7.8.2021 at 18:00

Vina Štoka - winemaking farm, Krajna vas 1d
Contact: Tadej Štoka, +386 31 361 823, vinastoka@gmail.com

Thursday, 12.8.2021 at 18:00

Pipan winegrowing and winemaking farm, Križ 159
Contact: Jaka Pipan, +386 40 506 435, vinapipan@gmail.com

Saturday, 21.8.2021 at 18:00

Kraška klet Krstan - wine cellar
Contact: Jure Krstan, +386 41 587 547, kraskakletkrstan@gmail.com

Sunday, 22.8.2021 at 18:00

Domačija Bole (homestead)
Contact: Igor Bole, +386 41 639 632, bole.majda@gmail.com

Tuesday, 24.8.2021 at 18:00

Wine cellar Tavčar - Pri Starčih
Contact: Katjuša Tavčar, +386 31 329 622, katjusa.tavcar@gmail.com

Friday, 27.8.2021 at 18:00

Gulič wine cellar
Contact: Simeon Gulič, +386 41 622 176, klet.gulic@gmail.com

Tuesday, 31.8.2021 at 18:00

Orel wine cellar
Contact: Matjaž Orel, +386 41 340 099, vinskaklet.orel@gmail.com

Performances at the winemakers’ are part of the KrasPass Gourmet tasting experience.

To facilitate organisation and comply with the measures aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19, an appointment must be made with the provider of the service at least one day in advance.



TIC Sežana
Prečna ulica 2
6210 Sežana

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