22. Walk to discover traces of the Battles of Isonzo

22. Walk to discover traces of the Battles of Isonzo

Get to know the Komen Karst by following the traces of the Battles of Isonzo. The Karst village of Brestovica pri Komnu lies on the former frontline, speckled by many caverns and trenches along the way. This scenic trail runs across a landscape coloured in red during this period of the year due to the smoke trees and offers breath-taking views of the Julian Alps and the sea. Climb the Grmada Hill and visit Kohišče, the former shepherd’s hamlet that used to be governed by the Counts of Duino.

Local people will offer snacks along this circular trail, while at the end you can savour a typical dish – Karst jota sauerkraut stew with a sausage, and a glass of the Teran wine. Other homemade specialties will also be available at the stalls where you can buy local farm produce.

Turistično društvo Brest
M: +386 40 815 552
E: stane.svigelj@siol.net

What’s up in the Karst?

Don’t miss out on interesting tradition-inspired events accompanied by genuine flavours of the local culinary scene ...

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