
In the embrace of an Iron Age hillfort

90 min

Using modern technology (lidar images, non-invasive archaeological research etc.), the non-profit institute ‘Zavod Krasen Kras’ has been researching the area of the Debela Griža hillfort and presenting its findings to visitors. Even if you’ve already visited the hillfort before, each new visit is special because with every clearing of the vegetation the hillfort acquires a new image.

Debela Griža, located near the village of Volčji Grad, is the remains of a mighty fortified circular wall from the Bronze and Iron Ages. It was constructed on slightly elevated terrain to the northwest of today’s Volčji Grad. Its maximum length is 290 m and its maximum width 180 m; with a circumference of 770 m, it covers an area of 4.2 hectares. This places it among medium-large hillforts. The archaeologist Carlo Marchesetti was attracted by its ‘low-lying’ position, something rare among hillforts as their key characteristics include a fortified position and the ability to effectively mount a defence. Debela Griža could ‘afford’ such a position because its constructors skilfully placed it among the Karst dolines that successfully functioned as steep slopes. The wall has a total length of 1,100 m. Given the natural characteristics and the relief, the wall is 2–7 m high, but it is assumed it was even higher when the hillfort was inhabited. The ruins are now 5–15 m in width; remnants of the original gradually built construction can be seen throughout its length. The wall features double fortification on the southern and northern sides; the double wall is connected with a viewing point located above the two entrances where an old road leads from Volčji Grad to Komen, cutting through the hillfort. The total quantity of the built-in stones exceeds 60,000 m³.


  • groups of 10 to 25 people: EUR 250/group
  • individual visitors: EUR 30/person
  • children below 12, accompanied by an adult: free

Opening hours

A guided tour is only available by prior arrangement.

Zavod Krasen Kras

Using modern technology (lidar images, non-invasive archaeological research etc.), the non-profit institute ‘Zavod Krasen Kras’ has been researching the area of the Debela Griža hillfort and presenting its findings to visitors. Even if you’ve already visited the hillfort before, each new visit is special because with every clearing of the vegetation the hillfort acquires a new image.

Zavod Krasen Kras, Volčji Grad, 6223 Komen, +386 41 718 729, info at-no-spam krasenkras dot-no-spam eu
90 min
Language of experience
Slovenian, English
Number of persons
30,00 EUR per person
Turistično vodenje: Gradišče Debela Griža in Volčji Grad
Zavod Krasen Kras

Using modern technology (lidar images, non-invasive archaeological research etc.), the non-profit institute ‘Zavod Krasen Kras’ has been researching the area of the Debela Griža hillfort and presenting its findings to visitors. Even if you’ve already visited the hillfort before, each new visit is special because with every clearing of the vegetation the hillfort acquires a new image.

Zavod Krasen Kras, Volčji Grad, 6223 Komen, +386 41 718 729, info at-no-spam krasenkras dot-no-spam eu

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