
Historic garden of Villa Fabiani

2 hours

Discover one of the most characteristic country mansions of the Karst region.

In Kobdilj, not far from Štanjel, the picturesque centuries-old estate of Villa Fabiani, the birthplace and home of architect Maks Fabiani (1865-1962), is today one of Slovenia's most important cultural monuments and one of the most distinctive country mansions of the Karst region.

Alongside the complex of several buildings, the main pulse of the estate has been dictated for centuries by the vast vineyards, which produce in particular the estate's indigenous and legendary Pikolit wine. Its fame once stretched all the way to the imperial city of Vienna. The estate is also renowned for its outstanding garden and architectural design, whose presence honours the hundreds of different roses and peonies, and in the heart of the estate, the centuries-old mulberry tree, the oldest fruit tree in Slovenia, a national natural monument and the central character in the romantic story of the Fabiani Mulberry Tree.  

The "Historic Garden of Villa Fabiani" experience will take you into the wonderful world of the villa, where a very special place is occupied by its gardens dating back to the 18th century. The blend of vineyards, gardens and rose garden is unique in Slovenia. Following the guided tour of the rose garden, you will have the opportunity to wander around the estate on your own, taking in the beauty of the cultural landscape and heritage, as well as the spectrum of roses with their stories hiding beneath these beauties' names. Embraced by the romantic estate, you will be able to take the time to relax, unwind, enjoy the special energies and taste the indigenous Pikolit liqueur wine.

The package includes:

  • reception and guided walk among the vineyards and the rose garden, with a presentation of the estate
  • presentation of the map of the gardens with an index and description of the roses
  • tasting of the indigenous Pikolit wine
  • the programme can be expanded by arrangement


  • when booking for 2 persons: 130,00 € per person
  • when booking for 4 persons: 80,00 € per person
  • when booking for 6 to 8 persons: 60,00 € per person
  • when booking for 10 to 15 persons: 45,00 € per person    
The content of this publication is the responsibility of the partners of the Karst Gardens operation • Komunala Sežana d.d., Municipality of Komen, Maks Fabiani Institute, ORA Krasa in Brkinov d.o.o., Krasna, Andrejka Cerkvenik s.p. The managing authority designated for implementing the Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Slovenia for 2014-2020 is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.

Opening hours

From April to October by prior arrangement.

2 hours
Language of experience
Slovenian, English
Number of persons
2-15 persons
45,00 € - 130,00 € per person

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